Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Never Ending Topic (Final summary)
After further discussion, Professor Hamman started introducing us to simple way of relating infinity which he taught us One-to-One Correspondence by using two infinity set. Hilbert Hotel also showed us how an infinity hotel can accept each and everyone in the bus who needed a place to stay and the hotel never gets full. Cantor’s array of rational numbers and power set gave us more insight on infinity and we were able to create different subset from the original infinity set which were real numbers and natural numbers.
Zeno’s paradox which was the master of all infinity made everyone thought beyond their scope and Russell Paradox made it easier for us to get the details of the paradox and resolve it on our own. M. C. Escher and other great artist expressed their art in a way that we could express infinity through art work and we were able to identify them ourselves.
Finally, our final project work, the video and our poster summarized all we did in class but unfortunately one of our mirrors got broken with all our effort that evening but we were all happy to end the class with something we can continue to learn more about it. To believe in infinity or not to believe in infinity is the question?
On a personal note, I wish everyone all the best in the exams. We had a good team and everyone contributed in their own special ways. Professor Hamman, thank you for your time. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas to you all and see you next semester if you are not transferring yet!!
Last class extension
Response to Catherine's Email Post
I like this idea of different sounds cancelling each other out and can create silence. I never really thought about it that way. The saying "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it.." makes me laugh. Of course it makes a sound! We humans don't decide what makes a sound just because of our presence! I don't have a definitive answer for you, but I can say that you have piqued my interest and I am going to look in to it further.
Oh and thanks for the music reference! Gotta love The Police!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
In response to Vorleak's post
"The Shepard Tone fundamentally is based on sine waves. You start with a Sine wave say on note A4 which sits at 440 Hz and you have it glissando down to A3 at 220 Hz over a period of time. During the same time you have another glissando starting on A5 at 880 Hz and dropping down to 440 Hz.
If you were to repeat this cycle the glissando starting on 440 Hz would pick up where the glissando starting on 880 Hz left off. This creates the continued sensation of a falling pitch. However, if you repeat the cycle then you will quickly jump back to 880 Hz and will noticably hear it. So what do we do? In order to achieve a smooth and seemingly endless cycle we need to fade in the upper most glissando and fade out the lower most."
Here is a video of it if you want to listen. I think it's definitely a good representation of infinity through sound. Hear the illusion?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Last thoughts on a never-ending topic
As i wrote this quote down, i had a feeling that it was for us. So when we first came in this class, we had the same ideas of what infinity was: endless, boundless, uncountable, incomprehensible, etc (the attribute list). As we learned more about the views and the sizes of infinity, about how to use one-to-one correspondences and the power sets to discover it, about philosophical problems with infinity, our "doors of perception" seem more opened.
After we got our first papers back and were assigned to be responsible for the final paper, professor Hamman explained some of the reading Escher on Escher. Next, he questioned if anybody ever related infinity with music. Some said yes and some said no. Then an argument came up between the answer: Is silence a sound? Again, some said yes some said no. Somebody on the Yes side basically mentioned that we see color because our mind can detect the wave radiation from light. If there's no light, the color is black. So black is a color. Using the same argument, we may say that the lack of sound (silence) is still perceived as a sound. But people one the No side argued that silence is independent. It is not created by anybody/anything so it's not a sound.
Then, we discussed how different it is when there's sound under water. The really high pitch of the whale was an example. We also talked about how fun and weird it is when we can make bubbles if we try to talk/breathe under water. After that, somehow, we ended up with what Escher said: "Infinity cannot be portrayed by sound."
Professor introduced us to the works of Ivars Peterson, a mathematician and computer writer.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Infinity in music
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Response to Catherine's Post Questions
Can you see the black dots between the squares?! Cool huh? This could be considered a tessellation (from what I've read) but it also an optical illusion. So the beach paintings that we have all seen could qualify as tessellations (probably the non-regular kind). I'm not certain on that though.
Oh, the FedEx arrow on the truck.....I learned about that about 8 years sneaky! Thanks for the questions!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Escher The Magnificent!
However, I would like to give you a little information on the types of tessellations and what they are composed of.
· Regular Tessellations – triangles, squares or hexagons
· Semi-Regular Tessellations – regular polygons
· Non-Regular Tessellations – have no particular shape (infinite # of this kind)
Escher (Regular Tessellation)
Computer Aided Triangulation (Regular Tessellation)
Side Walk Pattern (Non-regular Tessellation)
Natural Beehive/without bees (Semi-Regular Tessellation)
Escher, Drawing Hands 1948 (Non-Regular Tessellation)
It’s interesting to see how infinity plays a role in each of these renderings. Some were created by man (whether by hand or by technology) and others occur in nature. Where does the tessellation/paradox begin or end? Does it move inward or outward? The last photo in particular is my favorite. Which hand started first? A visual paradox!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Twisted Thinking
Monday, October 31, 2011
A Further Look at Series
So let's look at the series {1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, ...} again. As Prof. Hamman showed, this series should add up to infinity. So let's change the order around some; let's move the 1/4 in front of the one third. We now have {1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, ...}. As you can see, the sum should still be the same. However, let's move the 1/8 in front of the 1/3 also. And let's do the same thing with all of the powers of two we can find. The series now looks like {1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, ...}. Intuition would say that this should add up to the same number, but Prof. Hamman showed that this series adds up to one
So what went wrong here? If we count the series in that order, we will only ever be counting powers of two. In doing so, we will be skipping a large part of the series, which will never get counted. This is like Hilbert's Hotel, where we had a bus with an infinite number of people onboard. If we gave the people on the bus rooms in normal order, everyone would get their own room. However, if we were to try giving all of the odd-numbered people rooms first, not everyone would get a room, as we would have no end to the number of odd-numbered people on the bus.
So what does this mean? Just like before, if we take a set with a finite number of terms, no matter what order we count in, we will count them all with no exception. However, if we take an infinite set, we can count in some order so that we can skip terms and never count them, even if we do not stop counting. This also relates to the idea of one-to-one correspondence. Just as we can take an infinite set and form a one-to-one correspondence with a subset of itself, we can do the same with the terms of a series. The important thing to note here, though, is that doing so with a series changes the series, changing what it will add up to. So, in the end, we cannot have a series add up to whatever we want it to without changing the series itself. Sorry if I got your hopes up.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Infinity...More Personalities Than Cybil
Monday, October 17, 2011
Don’t Go Near the Water Until You Learn How to Swim
4.Stadium: The picture below assumes A is stationary, B is moving on unit to the right of A, and C is moving one unit to the left of A at the same time. If it takes one smallest unit of time to move the purple box of B to match with the red box of A, the time that it will take for the black box of C to match with the blue box of A is also one smallest unit of time. However if time can be atomic like one assumes in the first two paradoxes, then how long will it take to have a black box of C match with the purple box of B?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
On Zeno and His Paradoxes- 9 total
Zeno was rumored by Plato to be a lover of Parmenides (A philosopher and Zeno's teacher); and wrote these paradoxes to defend his teachings. Parmenides was against pluralism;" a belief in the existence of many things rather than only one" and Zeno set out to show that absurd conclusions can come out of this belief. (Talk about checking your sources)
1. The Argument from Denseness:
"If there are many, they must be as many as they are and neither more nor less than that. But if they are as many as they are, they would be limited. If there are many, things that are are unlimited. For there are always others between the things that are, and again others between those, and so the things that are are unlimited. (Simplicius(a) On Aristotle's Physics, 140.29)"
this can be summarized as follows: If you have a finite number of objects, then there is an infinite amount of "stuff" between these objects. Therefore the "limited collection is also unlimited." I keep thinking of the Reals when I hear this argument.
2. The Argument from Finite Size:
"… if it should be added to something else that exists, it would not make it any bigger. For if it were of no size and was added, it cannot increase in size. And so it follows immediately that what is added is nothing. But if when it is subtracted, the other thing is no smaller, nor is it increased when it is added, clearly the thing being added or subtracted is nothing. (Simplicius(a) On Aristotle's Physics,139.9)
But if it exists, each thing must have some size and thickness, and part of it must be apart from the rest. And the same reasoning holds concerning the part that is in front. For that too will have size and part of it will be in front. Now it is the same thing to say this once and to keep saying it forever. For no such part of it will be last, nor will there be one part not related to another. Therefore, if there are many things, they must be both small and large; so small as not to have size, but so large as to be unlimited. (Simplicius(a) On Aristotle's Physics, 141.2)"
There is a third argument (that I won't go into) but these two can be summarized as follows: If you join or remove a size-less object...then it was nothing joined or removed to begin with. A "size-less object" seems like an oxymoron in terms to me and shows fallibility in the paradox because of this. Is he setting himself up for failure here?
3. The Argument from Complete Divisibility:
"… whenever a body is by nature divisible through and through, whether by bisection, or generally by any method whatever, nothing impossible will have resulted if it has actually been divided … though perhaps nobody in fact could so divide it."
This is a tough one...I think what he was trying to ask the question: can a finite object be divided infinitely and still have magnitude?
4-7 are the paradoxes of motion as described in class.
8. The Paradox of Place:
"Zeno's difficulty demands an explanation; for if everything that exists has a place, place too will have a place, and so on ad infinitum. (Aristotle Physics, 209a23)"
Can we be in many places at once? I think so: I am at my desk, in my house, in Montgomery Village, on Earth, in the Solar System, etc. all at the same time. Beyond this concept I got a bit lost on how every "place has a place." Any clarification on this would be grand.
9. (My personal favorite) The Grain of Millet:
"… Zeno's reasoning is false when he argues that there is no part of the millet that does not make a sound; for there is no reason why any part should not in any length of time fail to move the air that the whole bushel moves in falling. (Aristotle Physics, 250a19)"
So you drop a huge sack of grain on the floor and it makes a loud "thud." Logically it is to follow that if you drop a 1/2 of a grain on the floor it should also make a sound. I wonder if the old saying "if a tree falls in the middle of the woods and no one is around does it still make a sound?" came from this? I like this one because it teaches us that our own senses can deceive us. Being a person with the highest regard to science but also a person of faith; I find this comforting somehow.
Apologies for the length.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
To Set or Not to Set?
I forgot to get clarification on my question from class yesterday. I asked, "at what point does a set become too large to count, making it not a set?" From the reading, I can see that the answer is Russell's Paradox, but I'm not sure I understand when/at what point/what value a set turns in to NOT a set. I may have missed the answer to this in class. Help!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Mr. Cantor, An Extended Discussion
Friday, September 30, 2011
How far can we go?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Infinite Hotel- Extended Discussion
When the class started, we elaborated more on some perspective on infinity and we jumped on infinity hotel which gave us an idea of infinite and how it works. After reading my notes I realize some of the attribute come into place when you compare the hotel room situation. Some of them were limitless, irreducible, endless and boundless. I chose this 4 because no matter how the hotel room was filled, it could still take infinite number of people in the bus.
It is limitless because it has beginning but you can never know the end and there is no last person at the hotel room. No matter how you break it down there is more room available to be occupied, small or big doesn't define it so it's irreducible. It is endless or boundless because we added as many infinite buses as we like but they all had a room at the hotel.
We used different method like n-2, 2n-2, 6n-2 etc to make it easy to move people from room one and then it went on and on but at the end of the class I felt like they all come down to some of the attribute or perspective that the class listed. In my point of view infinity is undefined no matter how we think about it; there is always more to it. I was asking myself that if everything in this World is infinite how will the World be like to live in? If no one dies and everyone keeps on living will the World be a better place to live after all? Thanks a lot